So meine Lieben, wo waren wir stehen geblieben? Ach ja, 1991/92. Max heiratete die Managerin der Band, Gloria Bujnowski und Sepultura waren Teil zweier großer Touren: Ministry/Helmet sowie Alice in Chains/Ozzy Osbourne. Max und Gloria sind noch heute verheiratet und Gloria schmeisst das Management für Soulfly und Cavalera Conspiracy.
Mit ihrem 1993 erschienenen Album Chaos A.D bewegten sich Sepultura bereits ein Stück weit weg von ihrem ursprünglichen Death/Thrash Metal Sound und es flossen Industrial und punkige Elemente in die Musik ein.
Die Entfernung vom klassischen Thrash/Death Metal setzte sich im darauffolgenden Album "Roots" von 1996 fort. Sepultura zeigten sich weiterhin experimentierfreudig und liessen viele Stilmittel urbrasilianischer Musik in den Klang des Albums einfliessen. Es wurde ein langsamerer, Down-Tuning Sound entwickelt , der später auch zur Bezeichnung "Groove Metal" führte und heutzutage oft mit Sepultura (und Soulfly) assoziiert wird.
1996 sollte aber auch ein fatales Jahr für Sepultura, Metalfans auf der ganzen Welt und vor allem Max und Gloria sein:
Am 17. August 1996 sollten Sepultura eigentlich auf der Mainstage des "Monsters Of Rock Festival" in Donington (UK) spielen, doch diese Show musste die Band leider ohne Max absolvieren. Zuvor hatten Max und Gloria vom Tod Glorias Sohn, Dana Wells (21) erfahren und das Festival umgehend verlassen. Ungefähr zeitgleich entschied man sich dazu, Glorias Managementvertrag nicht zu verlängern. Im Dezember '96 verließ Max Sepultura.
Für viele Jahre existierten zwar Gerüchte, Max habe die Band aufgrund des Streits mit Andreas Kisser bezüglich Gloria's Vertrag verlassen, jedoch äusserte er 2010 in einem Interview mit FaceCulture, dass seine Beweggründe andere waren:
“Andreas' wife tried to bury Dana before Gloria got home. We stopped it because Gloria's daughter Christina found out about it. She was trying to get him buried and be done with. That was one of the reasons I quit Sepultura.”
Ein trauriges Kapitel der Bandgeschichte, dessen genauer Verlauf wahrscheinlich nie hundertprozentig geklärt wird, wie so oft bei Streitigkeiten die sich über Jahre hinweg ziehen. Trotzdem tauchen immer wieder , ausgelöst durch Aussagen von Max und Iggor, Gerüchte über eine mögliche Sepultura Reunion auf.
Doch 1996 gab es für Sepultura keine gemeinsame Zukunft mit Max Cavalera. Die Band holte sich den Amerikaner Derrick Green an Board und Max gründete die Band Soulfly. Unter Roadrunners Flagge erschienen noch zwei weitere Alben, "Against (1998)" und "Nation (2001)", welche aber nicht an den Erfolg der alten Scheiben anknüpfen konnten.
Zum Abschluss und zur Aufheiterung, hier noch ein kleines Gewinnspiel für euch:
Wer errät, welcher "Topact" (Achtung Ironie!) auf der Rückseite dieses schicken Bravoposters von 1994 abgebildet ist, gewinnt 1 Sepultura CD nach Wahl und ein original Bandfoto aus den 90ern!
Zur Teilnahme einfach eine Email mit eurer Lösung an lahnsteiner[at] schreiben!
Viel Glück und ein metallisches Wochenende wünscht,
Unfortunately, Dana Wells was not murdered, Dana Wells was not ran off the road. The real truth to the story is this. Dana Wells was the instigator, the aggressor and was under the influence and caused his own accident resulting in his death. Phoenix Police has closed the case, they did their jobs the right and correct way. For whatever unknown reason, Gloria Cavalera has to continue to lie about Dana Wells being chased by gang members and murdered. The real and factual story and the truth is that, Dana Wells shot out of a side street from 32nd street just North of Cactus and didnt stop. Of course middle fingers were exchanged and a fight was ensured. Dana Wells lifted his shirt indicating he had a weapon. I took off, with my passenger, same passenger as Ive always had on the night in question. Dana Wells gave chase, Dana Wells caught up to us at speeds of 85-90 MPH. Dana Wells threw out a beer bottle, which resulted in him over-correcting his vehicle, losing control and ended up crashing. Dana Wells was responsible for his own death. A couple years ago, in an interview, Gloria Cavalera lied about that I refused a polygraph. (from HornsupRocks). I never refused a polygraph. I never was given one. Gloria Cavalera lied about that Dana Wells was not under the influence. Maricopa County Coroners Office has the documents that states that Dana Wells was under the influence at the time of his death. Facts: Dana Wells had alcohol and marijuana in his system Fact: I never refused a polygraph and never was given one. Fact: The same passenger I named that was with me on the night in question has and was always the same passenger. Fact: I have never been a part of, never have been associated with any gangs. My passenger has never been a part of or never has been associated with any gangs. Fact: Dana Wells had a weapon, turned out it was not a gun, but a beer bottle in his pocket. (I found that out after reading the one sided article from Phoenix NewTimes) Fact: Gloria Cavalera signed documentation that I was not responsible for Dana Wells accident, I have the documents and Liberty Mutual has the documents with Gloria Cavaleras signature. Fact: Dana Wells was killed in a car accident that was his own fault. For what it is, Phoenix Police did their jobs accordingly. It had nothing to do with what he wore, what music he listened to. None of that. It is just ridiculous that Gloria Cavalera has to continue to lie about Dana Wells being chased by gang members and being murdered, when the real truth is. Dana Wells was the aggressor and chased me. I have never been in a gang, not then, not now. Gloria Cavalera is nothing short of a liar. i have no problem giving an interview, a polygraph, anything. I was never asked to give an interview by anyone. All the stories and interviews has always been one sided and untruthful by Gloria Cavalera. Again, Phoenix Police closed the case, Maricopa County District Attorneys will not and have no plans prosecuting a case for anything because the fact is Dana Wells was 100% at fault for his own accident and death. again, I have no problem giving a polygraph and its going to show that Gloria Cavalera is nothing short of a liar and its going to show that the real truth is that Dana Wells was the aggressor and the one who chased me down Cactus. It is going to show that Nobody was at fault but Dana Wells for his own accident and death. I have no problems giving interviews to articles or magazines if anyone wanted to interview me at any given time. I've never been contacted once by any news, magazines or journalists to give my side of the story which is 100% truth.
AntwortenLöschenUnfortunately, Dana Wells was not murdered, Dana Wells was not ran off the road. The real truth to the story is this. Dana Wells was the instigator, the aggressor and was under the influence and caused his own accident resulting in his death. Phoenix Police has closed the case, they did their jobs the right and correct way. For whatever unknown reason, Gloria Cavalera has to continue to lie about Dana Wells being chased by gang members and murdered. The real and factual story and the truth is that, Dana Wells shot out of a side street from 32nd street just North of Cactus and didnt stop. Of course middle fingers were exchanged and a fight was ensured. Dana Wells lifted his shirt indicating he had a weapon. I took off, with my passenger, same passenger as Ive always had on the night in question. Dana Wells gave chase, Dana Wells caught up to us at speeds of 85-90 MPH. Dana Wells threw out a beer bottle, which resulted in him over-correcting his vehicle, losing control and ended up crashing. Dana Wells was responsible for his own death. A couple years ago, in an interview, Gloria Cavalera lied about that I refused a polygraph. (from HornsupRocks). I never refused a polygraph. I never was given one. Gloria Cavalera lied about that Dana Wells was not under the influence. Maricopa County Coroners Office has the documents that states that Dana Wells was under the influence at the time of his death. Facts: Dana Wells had alcohol and marijuana in his system Fact: I never refused a polygraph and never was given one. Fact: The same passenger I named that was with me on the night in question has and was always the same passenger. Fact: I have never been a part of, never have been associated with any gangs. My passenger has never been a part of or never has been associated with any gangs. Fact: Dana Wells had a weapon, turned out it was not a gun, but a beer bottle in his pocket. (I found that out after reading the one sided article from Phoenix NewTimes) Fact: Gloria Cavalera signed documentation that I was not responsible for Dana Wells accident, I have the documents and Liberty Mutual has the documents with Gloria Cavaleras signature. Fact: Dana Wells was killed in a car accident that was his own fault. For what it is, Phoenix Police did their jobs accordingly. It had nothing to do with what he wore, what music he listened to. None of that. It is just ridiculous that Gloria Cavalera has to continue to lie about Dana Wells being chased by gang members and being murdered, when the real truth is. Dana Wells was the aggressor and chased me. I have never been in a gang, not then, not now. Gloria Cavalera is nothing short of a liar. i have no problem giving an interview, a polygraph, anything. I was never asked to give an interview by anyone. All the stories and interviews has always been one sided and untruthful by Gloria Cavalera. Again, Phoenix Police closed the case, Maricopa County District Attorneys will not and have no plans prosecuting a case for anything because the fact is Dana Wells was 100% at fault for his own accident and death. again, I have no problem giving a polygraph and its going to show that Gloria Cavalera is nothing short of a liar and its going to show that the real truth is that Dana Wells was the aggressor and the one who chased me down Cactus. It is going to show that Nobody was at fault but Dana Wells for his own accident and death. I have no problems giving interviews to articles or magazines if anyone wanted to interview me at any given time. I've never been contacted once by any news, magazines or journalists to give my side of the story which is 100% truth.